hotel management software


web based hotel management software
The WINHMS Gate Pass module monitors and maintains gate registers for materials, visitors and company vehicles. Returnable and non-returnable pass types are supported for both inward and outward movements. In the case of returnable gate passes, the original gate pass transaction is always referenced so that the pending returnable details can be obtained from the system at any point of time.

Materials dispatched may be from user departments or material stores. When materials are routed through a store, store issue documentation is referenced during gate pass creation. The system automatically generates unique gate pass sequence numbers individually for inward and outward gate passes. Movement of vendors, customers, sales personnel and visitors are maintained and tracked at all times. Within the visitor input form the visitor name, address, company details, purpose of visit, designated contact etc. are captured.

Reports are provided for registers such as material inward register, pending gate pass register, vehicle movement register and vehicle availability status.
hotel management software